Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blog #3

Chapter 4 discussed different parts of computers and other devices we use everyday. Input devices are things such as keyboards, scanners, and digital cameras. It is any hardware that enables us to enter data into a computer. On the other side of the spectrum, output is data that has been processed into information. Some examples of output devices are the computer monitor, printers, projectors, and speakers. In order to ensure that our input and output are secure, there are things called storage media and devices. There are many different devices to store information depending on how much you need stored. A disk is the most commonly used device. There are many different disks which can hold different amounts of information.

Being an elementary education major, my goal is to be a teacher, obviously. Before I get too caught up in the Monday through Friday routine for the rest of my life, I want to be a missionary. I would really like to teach in some third world countries. Learning about all of this technology is so amazing to me, and I want to try and bring computers to some schools in Africa or countries in Central America. Learning about all of the interesting things we can now do, just makes me want to go to these countries and show them just a small amount of what I know in hopes that the children will want to make a change in their country and hopefully pull them out of poverty.

I had no idea about the Inspiration program. I think that it will be so useful in my career. As well as a study tool. Learning how to put notes and videos and how it all turns into an outline just blew me away! I thought that the only way to present notes was a boring power point show. But I've learned so much just in 4 weeks and I'm really excited to put all of this new knowledge to use in the future!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blog #2

While I was searching through the technology center for elementary school-age children, I learned how teachers are becoming more creative in using technology for the younger students. They even showed the parents how they integrated technology in the classroom. The example given was a slide show about different families and the different holidays they celebrate or what days are special to them. Each of the students made a slide about the different things their family celebrated. The teachers, of course, would help the students create their slides after they brainstormed ideas and made a sketch of what they wanted on the slide. I have never heard of that before, especially in an elementary classroom, and I think that it's a really good idea.

Since the last class meeting, I learned how to do so many different things on Microsoft Word. I considered myself pretty literate when using Microsoft Word, but after the last class meeting, I didn't really feel that way anymore! There's so many things you can do on word that I didn't realize. When I become a teacher, I can use these new skills to create things that will keep the students interest and hopefully they won't be bored!

I learned about the ICommunicator. This piece of assistive technology allows students who are deaf or hard of hearing receive the same education and can communicate back with the teacher. It can turn speech or text into sign language and allows the deaf person to understand what the teacher is saying. It can also translate English. I think this is a really neat tool, especially since more and more students are coming to the United States not knowing very much English. This will also help as students with disabilities, especially hearing disabilities, are mainstreamed into the regular classrooms.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Technology Experiences

In the past, I've had plenty of experiences with technology. But I wouldn't call myself an expert. I've used it for class projects, papers, and other miscellaneous assignments. In class, we learned that using technology for teaching can be a great way to capture the students' attention and a whole new way of teaching. Computers can be useful for making power point presentations, which can be a fun way of presenting information without standing up and just talking.

In class, we learned about the ARCS way of teaching. In our world, more and more kids are becoming more knowledgeable about technology. The ARCS would be geared more towards those digital kids and help them to learn new information.

One thing I learned more about was in the SAM program. Although the training was very detailed in its steps, I think it helped me out a great deal in understanding things about Windows XP a lot better. Most of the time, I just start my computer and right away start doing things without even thinking. The training showed me how to do things in an easier way, so I can get things done quicker.