Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chapter 5

In Chapter 5, they talked about integrating digital media and educational software. Digital media was discussed in Chapter 1 and in this chapter, it discusses how to integrate it into the classroom. Digital media software is any computer-based presentation or application software that uses multimedia elements. Digital media software includes interaction, so some of this software is called interactive digital media. This allows users to move through information at their own pace. By adding graphics and other interactive things to a website, the user can learn things more quickly and in a fun, new way.

I learned about Wiki's this week and how useful they can be. Not only can you present your opinions/information, you can look at other people's information and comment on it. It is a form of interactive digital media in a way because you could use that in the classroom to get students to reply to an article. I also learned about creating websites.

I think that Wiki's should be used more often, especially in middle and high schools. It is a fun way to have the students feel like they are in charge of something. And it seems like a better way to read about different articles rather than just read them in class.

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